Published in the Angelenean Pioneer’s Piola, 2009-2010 Literary Folio
Angeles University Foundation
1. Count what you have now
Do not count what you don’t have
See you have so much
2. Just take it easy
Take the weight off your shoulders
Look at the blue sky
3. It will all be fine
If you take one step forward
Everyone should grow
4. It is bitterness
That should not keep you alive
Happiness should be
5. Hello and goodbye
Two words that keep us going
All must come and go
6. Always do your best
No matter how slim chance is
Just give it your all
7. Always remember
You’re different in every way
There’s only one you
8. A revolution
The light in a troubled world
Start within ourselves
9. Life goes round and round
A never-ending cycle
Life goes on and on
10. Real friends are precious
They’re your fire on a cold day
Choose your friends wisely
11. Miracles happen
At times we don’t expect them
Believe, it will happen
12. Tiny specks of love
Sanctuary of the hollow
Softens the callous
13. Sharing is a key
To a world full of loving
Just share everything
14. Cheating won’t do good
To play fair is an honor
Favored by heavens
15. No one would like it
To be hurt for no reason
You just keep it cool
16. Clean up your own mess
You have done it anyway
Face it like a man
17. Precious possessions
Valuable to someone
Don’t take them away
18. Words of forgiveness
Say it to an anxious heart
Better it will get
19. There should be balance
Keep the line in the middle
Not too high or low
20. Don’t forget the past
But do not lament on it
You should learn from it
21. Just keep on smiling
It would make a huge diff’rence
It is contagious

Bien is a software engineer for more than 10 years, focusing on Microsoft .NET technology. He developed solutions ranging from embedded systems to accounting systems. He spends his free time trying to understand the world and its people.